
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Review)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo Wii)

Rated "E" For "Everyone"

Gamers don't always get a second flushed out Mario adventure on the same console. This console era hasn't ended and neither has Mario's adventures in space. Will a sequel be adding or is just more of the same thing showing that our famed plumber is all out of new tricks?


In the second Mario Galaxy, Bowser has decided to change up his plans and this time take over the universe. This plan involves kidnapping Princess Peach and thwarting his nemesis Mario's every move.


So it's the same story. Unless you're playing any Mario game that's in RPG form, the story isn't what you're here for. You're here for Mario's second helping of galactic adventures.


Almost everything from the original Galaxy title has been kept intact. The solid platforming, the zero gravity, the squashing of enemies...it's all there. Even if this isn't your first trip with Mario in space, it doesn't take long to master the controls. It's the levels that are the challenge, not the controls.

Wiimote gestures are still minimal. The main thing is to shake it to make Mario utilize his spin, which can vanquish foes or extend your jump a littler farther and a little higher. That itself will allow players to creatively control their plumber. The pointing function to collect star bits is still in full use. There are other times you will need to manipulate your Wiimote in different ways, but those are few and far in between and not horrible hinderences.

The second player option now extends beyond pointing to collect star bits. A second player can now take control of a Luma and help collect coins as well as star bits. Not only that, they can help stun and attack enemies while Mario navigates his way through each galaxy. It's not the deepest form of cooperative play, but it's there if need a little help.


The difficulty of Galaxy 2 is very varied. Each galaxy is unique in its own way and has multiple forms as you can collect multiple stars through multiple visits meaning that almost each star has a different A to B route. The beginning galaxies will serve as a study guide of what to expect. The later galaxies are full blown thesis creations that definitely test your patience and platforming prowess.

Very little can prepare you for what the next galaxy has in store for you. Sure you'll jump and run and float around each one of them, but the level designers definitely gave you something to work at. Adding new elements of using long time dino pal Yoshi is necessary (on certain levels) and does change up your normal strategy. New suits (Cloud Mario, Rock Mario, etc) also add to the excitement and torture. For each new power-up or ability they added, they built a great deal of challenges for each one.

Prankster Comets return and will give you a run for your gold coins. They are challenges for the sake of adding more challenges to the game. From speed runs to sped up levels to one hit situations, you will clock in more time in space trying to retrieve stars from these challenges.

Boss battles are once again unique and in large scale. While patterns are easy to learn and figure out, if your skills aren't quick and polished enough then you will have a great deal of difficulty collecting the minimum 70 stars needed to complete this game.


Tons of content. New suits, new power-ups, challenges, Yoshi...could there be anymore? Of course there is.

Luigi - play as Luigi at the start of certain levels. Plays exactly like Mario, but with better jumping abilities and less traction on his feet.

Throwback Galaxy - They recreated a Mario 64 level. Enough said.

Secret Galaxy - Mentioned a few times by characters in the game, a new galaxy becomes unlocked after your first playthrough to the end.

120 stars - The standard number ever since Mario 64.

240 stars - That's correct. After getting 120, 120 more are unleashed throughout the universe. Some are as simple as finding them behind a house while some are outright frustrating requiring you to purposely get hit to reach places and then inching closer and closer off thin platforms to perform a back flip to a star that can only be touched at the height of the jump. You want more to do, Galaxy 2 gave you 120 more things to do.

=====Final Thoughts=====

You don't have to have played the first Galaxy to enjoy this new one. It is recommended to go in number order to further appreciate what they added in and what they improved on from the first one.

The visuals are just as gorgeous and full of color and life as in the first Galaxy. Colors are bright and pop out at you, the use of lighting is very well done, explosions are glorious to watch, the galaxies are all different and unique and don't feel recycled at all, and characters are full of life and animation. The image of Mario flying around is just a great display of the power and magnificence that this character has attained over the years.

Galaxy 2 is once again accompanied by a great soundtrack. A full orchestra plays wonderful music as you hop from galaxy to galaxy. Each song sets the tone for each level. Old school renditions of classic Mario tunes sound just as great as ever.

There is very little not to like. Gamers that complain that the Wii doesn't appeal to hardcore players now has a load of challenging levels that most casual players can't conquer. This increase in challenge and difficulty may also be the most hated thing about the game as it can at times be very challenging (hence it being the most written about in this review). But you don't want a game to hold your hand and you don't want a game to beat you every time you try to play it. Galaxy 2 offers the middle area of difficulty while pushing the envelope for casual and seasoned players to need plenty of 1-Ups for this space adventure.

Galaxy 1 was close to perfection for Mario and for platforming games. Galaxy 2 doesn't mess with the formula and adds proper toppings for those that wanted a second taste of the same goodness they originally received. It may be more of the same thing, but when there was little to complain about it the first time, how will you not like it the second time? You will not be disappointed with this galactic adventure. Add another gold star to Mario's spectacular legacy.

Rated 5 out of 5

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